How to Brew with NimbusBrew Carafe

How to Brew with NimbusBrew Carafe

Posted by Sam Ang on

There are many recipes you can find for the pour over brewing method catered for different roasts, origins, and variety of coffee. To get you started, we have listed a few quick-and-dirty steps on how you can employ your NimbusBrew carafe to brew your coffee! Once you are familiar with the brewing process, go ahead and tweak the extraction methods to find your perfect personalised coffee brew.


At a glance, the serving-for-TWO recipe:

  • 32 Grams of Medium-Fine Coarse Coffee Beans
  • 480 Grams of Water


What you need:

  • Gooseneck Kettle (Optional)
  • 97°C Of Water
  • Paper/Metal Filter
  • 32 Grams of Medium-Fine Coarse Coffee Beans
  • 480 Grams (~2 cups) of Water for Extraction
  • Weighing Scale & Timer
  • Brew Time: 3 mins 30 secs
  • Preparation Time: 5 to 10 minutes


Scope; 7 Steps of coffee making with NimbusBrew Bundle set:

  • Step 1 - Heat
    • Boil water to 97°C
  • Step 2 - Grind
    • Grind coffee beans
  • Step 3 - Rinse & Pre-Heat
    • Rinse paper filter. Pre-heat carafe and metal filter
  • Step 4 - Bloom
    • Degassing of coffee grounds
  • Step 5 - Sink
    • Evenly soak the grounds
  • Step 6 - Pour
    • Continue extraction
  • Step 7 - Serve
    • Enjoy



Details of the steps:

Step 1 – Heat

Boil the optimal water temperature.

Heat the water to 97°C.

Why so specific?

The optimal temperature for brewing coffee 90.5°C to 97.0°C for drip coffee. Too hot and you will burn the grind, while too cold will cause under extraction.


Step 2 – Grind

Grind the correct amount.

With your favourite whole bean, weigh and grind it to medium-fine grind size.

Using the 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio, for two cups of standard coffee (one standard cup is 237ml), we will need about 32 grams of coffee ground.

If you are grinding the whole beans by yourself, do check out the grind guide that comes with your coffee grinder. Else, ensure the grounded beans by your coffeehouse are grinded for Filter.

No weighing scales? No worries. 1 tablespoon is approximately 12.5 grams. Or check out our NimbusBrew coffee spoon! Approximately 15 grams per scoup.


Step 3 – Rinse & Pre-Heat

Rinse the paper filter. Pre-heat the carafe and metal filter.

Paper Filter – Place folded1 paper filter into the top of the carafe, with the thickest layer of the filter leaning on the spout side of the carafe. Rinse the paper filter with hot water, to eliminate any papery taste from altering your coffee during extraction. And pour the hot water from the carafe into your mugs to pre-heat them before discarding the water.

Metal Filter – Place the metal filter into the top of the carafe and pour the hot water through the filter to pre-heat both the carafe and filter. Pour the hot water from the carafe into your mugs to pre-heat them before discarding the water.


Step 4 – Bloom

Degassing of coffee grounds.

Pour the ground coffee into the filter.

Zeroise your digital scale.

Note: Bloom with 60-90 grams of water for 30 grams of coffee.

Start timer and begin pouring water slowly over the coffee in a spiral motion, from the outer rim to the centre. Stop pouring when the weight reaches 60 grams. The pour should take about 15 seconds before allowing the coffee to bloom for 30-45 seconds.


What is the bloom?

The bloom is a magical moment when coffee grounds come in contact with water. It is the process in which the gasses from the coffee are released as the water hits the grinds. It causes the grinds to grow and rise. The CO2 that is inside the bean is purged out and replaced with the water and begins the brewing/extraction process.

If you don’t see the bloom when you make your coffee, it most likely means that the degassing has already occurred and with that the flavour compounds within the beans have deteriorated pre-emptively. The flavours therefore won’t be as prominent in the beverage you’re about to drink.


Step 5: Sink

Soaking the grounds, allowing it to sink to the bed and even extraction.

Once the coffee has bloomed; start pouring in a steady spiral from the centre, toward the outer rim of the grounds and then back toward the centre again. Be sure that all grounds are soaked in the process of pouring. Add roughly 100 grams, bringing the total to 160 grams. Allow 45-60 seconds for water to drain.


Step 6: Pour

Continue extraction.

Once the water has drained to the bottom of the filter, continue to pour in a steady spiral from the centre, out and back toward the centre. Add additional 100 grams. Allow 15-20 seconds for water to drain.

You can use a spoon to swirl the water and expedite the drawdown process.

When the water drops to the bottom of the filter again, complete the last pour with the remaining 190 grams using the same pouring technique, bring the total to 480 grams. This pour should take 30 seconds.


Step 7: Serve

Time to enjoy.

Remove the filter. Pour the coffee into your cup and it’s time to savour your coffee.

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How to Brew with NimbusBrew Carafe